Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
FENESTA upvc window systems |
17, 19 |
FIRDOS seating systems |
20 |
systems |
6 |
FORTEC binding systems |
7 |
FSL freight systems |
39 |
FUTECH systems +oval |
9 |
FUTURA PVC-U systems |
19 |
FUTURISTIC gas systems |
39 |
GERRARD plasma systems |
7 |
GETINGE surgical systems |
9, 10, 11, 12 |
GLOBAL hydro systems +circl |
11 |
systems |
6 |
systems |
6 |
GURUKRUPA laser systems |
7 |
GVSS G.V. systems & service |
9 |
H HAIWA valves & systems |
7 |
HEALTHY stomach systems |
5 |
HILTON fitness systems |
28 |
HOVEL scale systems |
9 |
systems |
9 |
IMPERIAL systems |
9 |
IMS connector systems |
9 |
INETCO AVIN solar systems |
11 |
INFUSE network systems |
42 |
INNOVA solar systems +circl |
35 |
IRCLASS systems and solutio |
35 |
JAGSON parenta systems |
10 |
JCL systems |
9 |
JET-o-clean systems |
37 |
JUSTA medical systems |
35 |
KIRBY building systems indi |
6 |
KOLUTHARA systems |
9 |
KSB fluid systems |
6, 7, 11 |
KSHEMA medical systems |
10 |
KUBER water storage systems |
17, 21 |
KWS KANAN weighing systems |
9 |
LAKE PURE ro systems +famil |
11 |
LANDMARK ro systems |
11 |
LS oil-lube systems +oval |
7 |
LYKA medical systems |
10 |
MAAG pump systems +square |
7, 9 |
MAS medi-aid systems (INDIA |
9 |
MAS medi-aid systems (india |
10 |
MCS cylinder systems |
11, 17 |
ME2 POWER fuel cell systems |
9 |
METRO monitoring systems |
9 |
MGE ups systems |
9 |
MICRO PURE ro systems |
11 |
MICROTECH systems +square |
9 |
MMS multimedia systems |
42 |
MODAL LOGIC IT systems +ova |
42 |
MS MAHIMS systems |
7 |
MS MODULAR systems |
16 |
NAMJOSHI energy systems +su |
35 |
NANOMOS design systems |
9 |
systems |
20 |
NEXGEN drying systems |
11 |
NIDRA sleep systems +bird |
20 |
NIDRA sleep systems +eye |
20 |
ORTHO diagnostic systems |
10 |
OTHREE systems & solutions |
9 |
PADMA solar systems +flower |
11 |
PAL systems +triangles |
20 |
PAN office systems +cabinet |
6 |
PENGUIN systems +penguin |
16 |
PIONWOOD audio systems +ova |
9 |
PLANET systems & solutions |
9 |
POLYHYDRON systems |
7 |
POWER-ONE micro systems |
7, 9, 11 |
POWERICA solar systems +sun |
11 |
PRECI-TECH weighing systems |
9 |
PRINCE piping systems +crow |
17 |
PROMO FLEX display systems |
20 |
PSI data systems limited |
42 |
PUMKIN systems |
9 |
Q QUAL EX systems |
9 |
QUADRA systems |
9 |
QUAL EX systems |
9 |
R systems +square & stripes |
9 |
RAINDROPS AQUA systems +ova |
11 |
RELIANCE systems |
9, 16, 38, 41 |
RELIANCE planning systems |
42 |
S DYNARC systems +circle |
7 |
S WUD decor systems +square |
19 |
S synergy systems & solutio |
9 |
S&S electronic systems |
9 |
S.V. powertech systems |
9 |
SAFEX security systems |
9 |
SAT systems for automation |
9 |
systems |
9 |
SI systems (INDIA) +lamp |
7 |
SIGMA electro systems |
9 |
SILICON search and systems |
35 |
SIRIO 777 car alarm systems |
12 |
SOAR systems +circles |
30 |
SOMEX music systems +oval |
9 |
SPANPAK systems |
7 |
SSS safety security systems |
9 |
ST secure tech systems |
9 |
STAR r.o. systems +star |
11 |